At the end of 2020 and beginning of 2021, we attempted to “branch out” with our TTB-approved beer label posts by covering other Great Lakes states in a collection post of sorts. We found that trying to fit a limited amount of labels from multiple states into one blog post was a lot of work for not a lot of space.
When we looked south to our friends in Indiana, we noticed one brewery dominating the TTB with what seemed like hundreds of labels coming through and there not being much else from the others. This post showcases a range of beer labels from the past six months and narrows that one brewery’s features to our top ten.
All of the beer labels featured here are available for the public to view on the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) website. You can spend your time figuring it out or you can check out our monthly highlights. Check out past posts here.
It should be noted that TTB approved labels are not guaranteed to be on shelves in the immediate future or even at all. Breweries need to have labels ready if they decide a beer is a go for packaging and distribution. There may be a multitude of reasons to release a product or not. The purpose of this post is to start a conversation about what is potentially on the horizon in the Great Lakes beer scene.
This month’s highlights include labels from 3 Floyds Brewing, 18th Street Brewing, 450 North Brewing Co, Blockhead Beerworks, Drekker Brewing Co (ND), Field Brewing, Four Fathers Brewing, Hog Molly Brewing Co, Metazoa Brewing Co, Mortalis Brewing Company (NY), New Madison Brewing, Quaff On Brewing Co, Salvador Brewing Co (Brazil), Sun King Brewery, Upland Brewing Co, and Warpigs USA Brewing.
May’s featured label is Peach S.M.A.S.H. from Schnabeltier out of Rochester, Indiana. Unfortunately, the brewery’s last day was on May 7, 2022 according to this post. We thought the label was dope and still wanted to include it. We hope the crew at Schnabeltier is doing well despite the brewery closing.
Which label is your favorite?