
With a full studio, the brew review crew and Erik Smith bring us a long show filled with questions, info, and upcoming brew review information.

Visit the Brew Review Crew at their website http://www.brewreviewcrew.com/

For more info on Ashley’s Belgian Beer Festival go to https://www.eventbrite.com/e/7th-annual-north-american-belgian-beer-festival-tickets-30469515140

Tickets are still on sale!

Please don’t forget to visit, subscribe and leave a review on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/am/podcast/better-on-draft-podcast/id1091124740


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A craft beer fan since 19, used to look for your non-regular beers on frequent trips to downtown Windsor with friends, at 21 Ken basically took over an entire refrigerator with monthly visits to Merchants. With 5 years of podcasting prior, Ken decided to create the brand and show Better on Draft in the spring of 2015, and began creating his dream of a beer-centric website that wasn't too full of itself. He now runs the board and does a lot of the back office stuff while the show goes on, keeping everyone in line, and the beer flowing!


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