A friend recently handed me a can of Vanilla Bean Buffalo Sweat and asked me to try it out. I wasn’t sure what to expect out of Tallgrass Brewing Company out of Kansas, but I was not expecting a rich and creamy stout that balanced the dark malts with oats and vanilla so well.
The beer hits the glass and pours dark black with a thick, creamy, mocha hued head. The aroma was not very strong, but it has hints of caramel malt and vanilla. The beer has a rich flavor with the promised vanilla prominent but not cloying or overpowering. The oats contribute a distinct smoothness that compliments the medium body very well. While the flavor is nice, it feels as though there is something missing, such as a hint of roasted malts or hop bitterness.
I enjoyed the Vanilla Bean Buffalo Sweat. It incorporates a lot of sound flavors with an excellent mouth feel. At 5.2% you can certainly enjoy it without catching a buzz like you would with some bigger and bolder stouts. That being said, I don’t think I’ll actively seek this out for a second taste.