Staring at my options at the beer store, I wanted to try something a bit lighter than the heavy stouts and IPAs I’ve reviewed in the past. I didn’t want to sacrifice flavor, but definitely something for a Sunday in front of the TV to relax with. I settled on Short’s Speedcult Black Lager, which reminds me of a German Schwarzbier. Schwarzbier is also German for “Black Beer” for those who studied Spanish in high school.
The beer has a light tan head with a moderate amount of lacing. It has a translucent dark brown color with a thin mouth-feel. There is almost no aroma to the beer. Perhaps just a hint of roasted malt, but it is very faint. There is a nuttiness to the flavor instead of the bold roasted flavors of stouts, but it’s quite pleasant. It finished very dry without much lingering flavor on the tongue.
I tend to always gravitate towards big, bold, flavors and so I was not that impressed with what Speedcult had to offer. It’s a fine session beer, and perfect for when you don’t want to get too befuddled on your Sunday. I’d crack one open while I eat a bowl of hearty beef stew.