Fall is upon us here in Michigan and with it comes lower temperatures, bonfires, and hoodies. For me, it’s also time to shift away from Summery wheat beers and grab a darker, heavier beer to warm my belly. Deschutes’ Black Butte Porter is the perfect transition beer from Summer to Fall. It’s dark but is not as heavy as a bold Wintery stout.
Black Butte Porter pours with a medium, white head, and smells of malt with hints of coffee and chocolate. It has a dark black, almost amber color and a creamy, medium body. The medium body is what distinguishes this porter as a good choice in the Fall. The beer tastes predominantly of malt and chocolate with a slight roasted character, and a smooth yet lingering finish.
At 5.2% ABV and the medium body, this is an easy drinking, session beer. You’ll be right at home in front of a roaring fire, sharing stories with friends, and sipping this delicious porter.